Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Watch, Read, and Listen

I have been immersing myself in English media--hooray!  Of course, I still love you, Monkey Majik!  Just needed a break from trying to learn Japanese lyrics for a while...

Let's start with:

  "So They Say" from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along-Blog has been stuck in my head for a week! I guess I asked for that one, though--I've watched Dr. Horrible a few times this past week, since I realized it was on Netflix!  I never get tired of that show, and it's only 45 minutes long!


  A Wrinkle in Time series by Madeleine L'Engel.  Fox has never read them, and I have only read the first one.  I actually wanted to get the set for my birthday but didn't want to pay Amazon's prices ($25).  Well, I found them on eBay and got the whole set for 99 cents (plus $5 shipping)!  Brand new--I can't believe that I actually won a 99 cent bid!  I'm so excited!


  Junky TV!  There really haven't been many movies that I've wanted to see lately.  So, I am watching the Bachelorette--and I make Fox watch it with me.  And then I call my grandma and talk about it with her, so it's a bonding thing with my grandma, you see.

Emily is too cute!  And Arie (that guy) looks like my little brother!
   Fox and I are working our way through Vampire Diaries Season 2 on Netflix as well.  Not that I am a particular fan of vampire stuff--I am just a particular fan of this guy:
Yep, that's Boone from LOST playing the tortured older vampire brother!
 We need a better show, though.  The CW only casts angsty beautiful 30 year olds to play high school students, which gets a little annoying after a while.  I take points off for any show that shows girls waking up in fully-done makeup!

So that's what's been on my media roster lately! Are there any good movies to get excited about?!


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