Monday, April 25, 2011

Not good but also great


Not good: Cosette won't grow hair on the top of her head. So, she gets mistaken for a boy sometimes if she is not in dresses.

Great: Coco loves dresses. Also great, the pattern I used to make her dress (in above pic)--super easy and came out exactly as I pictured it. Double bonus: the fabric was $2 a yard. Super double bonus: My new sewing machine is super awesome and so fast it almost levitates off the table.

Not good: I am on the last week of the Brazil Butt Lift program. I have had this program for a year and have not stuck with it, because it is the most annoying workout I have ever done. I am finally doing it, because I talked my hubby into giving me $50 if I finished it. I have learned this about myself--I need incentives in order to have self-discipline! Also, the video should mention that Brazil Butts are big. This is NOT a workout program designed to slim you down but rather to give you a butt. Oops--I already had one. I can now no longer zip up my jeans and buttons have actually popped off a pair of my pants. Thanks, Brazil and your love of big butts.

Great: Even though I hate this workout program, I learned to look forward to it. I now put it on mute and listen to awesome podcasts instead of Leandro's urges to "no be shy--shake what you got". My favorites are NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me and Stuff You Missed in History Class. Any other good ones?

Not Good: Justin Bieber's "Baby". No, sorry, just no...but...

Great: Neon Tree's cover of Justin Bieber's "Baby". Oh, yes, we play this often in this house:

So there you go...when life gives you lemons, take 'em...cause hey, free lemons!


Amber said...

LoL! Good job getting a nice intensive, $50 would make me want a bigger butt too! Another good podcast is 'stuff you should know' by how stuff Dave and I like to listen to it together, even the odd topics and super interesting and funny!

Unknown said...

Ha Ha - you crack me up! I know I always listen to my audio books while working out and they go by so fast - here are a few of my fav podcasts although have not listened to themn for awhile so not sure how current
- The Mighty Mommy's Quick and Dirty Tips for Practical Parenting
- Vegetarian Food for Thought: Inspiring a Joyful, Sustainable,
Compassionate Diet
- Stuff you Should Know - I like this one too!
- PODRUNNER: Exercise music for running, spinning, or any fast-paced
Yeah so overall would you do the BBL program again?

Amy said...

Thanks for the podcast tips, Laris! And heck no--I am never going to do the BBL program again. I got bulky. Its' BumBum workout is excellent though--30 minutes for your butt with no floor work and it goes by fast, so I'm glad I do have that one. I am going to try 30 days of yoga/ballet workouts and see if there's a bigger change.

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