Hood, that is. The BBC television series. Why do I love you so?
Is it because your characters have the greatest onscreen chemistry of all-time?
or that your eery Sheriff of Nottingham wears sparkles and paints his toenails black?
or maybe because your show has a fabulous, amazing costume designer?
Well, BBC Robin Hood series, you are awesome, but you broke my heart in series 2. Seriously, even my cat cried.
I don't think I can see you anymore
(but I will watch fan videos on Youtube while dipping spoonfuls of peanut butter into melted chocolate chips).
2025 Workshop Dates
1 week ago
I have never seen this show. It sounds interesting. By the way, I LOVE to have a spoonful of peanut butter with chocolate chips. I shouldn't, but I do. I have never tried melting the chocolate though. Yum!
I also like peanut butter by the spoonful. We don't buy peanut butter. It tends to disappear really fast!
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